Remote work is everywhere, so why not make it happen to achieve better patient outcomes? With NexxisLive, you can involve the right people for any type of surgical intervention, wherever they are. Telestration, teleassistance, teleconferencing, and telementoring: the platform supports it all in a secure environment. With NexxisLive, you can talk, chat and draw as if you're all in the same operating room.
Achieve better patient outcomes thanks to remote consultation and assistance:
Train remotely in real-time or in post-op with annotated video:
Review operational and technological performance:
No. NexxisLive works best with our OR-over-IP system Nexxis, but is not limited to it. What are the advantages of Nexxis for NexxisLive? Video-over-IP systems are the future of the digital OR, because they form the heart of connectivity. Nexxis ensures near-zero latency and native images. With NexxisLive built on top of Nexxis, you’re working in a real-time environment, in which annotations are added transparently on top of a native camera image. When recording, annotations can be recorded separately from the original images.
NexxisLive comes with just one piece of hardware, which makes the secure cloud functionality possible. In future, no further hardware installation or manipulation will be needed – also when updates are released.